Thank you for selecting our partner, CheapDefensiveDrivingCourse.com (Traffic Safety Consultants, Inc.), to complete your New Jersey mature defensive driver course!
In New Jersey, drivers over the age of 50 with a good driving record can complete a 6-hour Mature Defensive Driver Course to get up to a 15% discount on auto insurance premiums for three years! The successful completion of a defensive driving course demonstrates to insurance companies that the motorist knows how to avoid collisions and is less of a liability on the road. All insurers are required by the state to reduce your rates for three years, but the amount of the discount varies by insurance provider. Check with your insurer to see exactly how much you can save.
This 100% online program has been designed specifically to educate older drivers about the effects that aging can have on a person's ability to safely control a motor vehicle, and suggests helpful remedies and alternatives. The engaging, professionally designed, easy-to-read course is filled with colorful illustrations and video clips. And our hilarious traffic-related jokes will have you laughing while you learn. Best of all, useful safe-driving tips will help you to avoid a run-in with the law — or other vehicles!
The course is self-paced, allowing you to sign in and out whenever you like. Work through it at your own pace, on your schedule. If you sign out and then back in, you'll be taken to our "Student Center" page. There you'll be able to continue with the course right where you left off. And you'll have access to completed chapters for review. The course is even mobile-friendly so you can work on it on a phone or tablet.
A short interactive quiz follows each fun lesson. And students must pass a 50-question multiple-choice final exam by correctly answering at least 80% of the questions. (If you should happen to fail the final exam, you can take it up to three times without penalty. But don't worry; the program is easy to complete — even if you're not an expert Internet user!)
Upon your successful completion of the course, we'll issue an official Certificate of Completion that you can present to your insurance provider to claim your discount. (The certificate of completion is mailed out to you the business day following your pass date. You have the opportunity to upgrade to Email, 2-Day, or Overnight delivery options.)

Our course is affordably priced, at the low cost of just $10!
Tuition covers all elements of a program, including immediate access to our website and the regular processing of your completion.
To register and get started immediately, click on the "Get Started" button below.
If you've signed out of the course and need to re-enter, click on the "Sign In" button. (Don't forget to bookmark this page in your browser so you can come back here directly!)